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IOS 15 Is Going To Disrupt Email Marketing, But Here's Why You Shouldn't Worry

There’s been a lot of panic going on in the marketing world lately.

Specifically about Apple’s new iOS 15 update.

They say the new update includes “Mail Privacy Protection,” which will basically not allow email marketing softwares to track open rates. And that is going to disrupt the ways of email marketing because open rates have been one of the main ways people measure the engagement of their email lists.

But from what I heard, click rates are still trackable.

And while I did say it’s going to disrupt the way people do email marketing, I don’t think it’s going to be the end of it.

Time and time again, we [humans] have proved that we can adapt to almost any situation.

Take the COVID lockdown era.

A lot of professions that usually involve in-person activities were put to a halt including DJ performances, photoshoots, and concerts.

But they’ve managed to find ways around it.

For example:

Back when an NYC based creatives organization, GFTD, did weekly Zoom meetings, I heard stories of photographers doing photo shoots through Zoom.

More recently, I had a virtual coffee chat with an NYIT nominated actor and Executive Director of a non-profit theater organization, and she told me that when she would put on plays through Zoom during the lockdown.

I’m sure most people would think putting on a play or doing a photo shoot through Zoom are impossible tasks, but they’ve been proven otherwise.

Point being,

No matter what new privacy changes these big tech companies push out that’ll disrupt the heavily data driven marketing space, we’ll always find a way to adapt.

But one thing’s for sure, my ways of emailing will be unchanged.

As someone I met once said, “Marketing is a people business.”

Meaning, the relationships I develop and maintain with the people on my email list will always be more important than data.

And if you want to learn my ways of emailing, my book, How to Become an Email Titan will teach you how.

About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.